Sunday 27 August 2017

Story Telling - a different way to impart education

About Katha’s Curriculum

Katha means story in most Indian languages. A registered “profit-for-all” social nonprofit working with and for children and adults through story and storytelling, we are a leading edge organization in the literacy to literature continuum in both education and publishing.
We have a unique model that seamlessly connects grassroots work in education, urban resurgence and story. Katha’s core competence is in reducing urban child poverty through an integrated approach. We culture link India’s amazing plurality, celebrate it with our children through our publishing programme. Political, Social and Cultural Empowerment of children and their communities is our mantra. Uncommon Creativities for a Common Good is our motto.

Why we are effective

We’re storytellers.

Children and women in poverty face a million challenges. Many habits, attitudes and fears  are in their blood. And to change these that have formed over hundreds of years needs persuasive methods. Katha’s strength lies in our work in and with story.

The story in education:

If stories are a tool for transformation of the self, and hence, of society, it must be part of any education process. Many large ideas come to us from stories. The understanding of a human society itself, in India has had this larger understanding of life and living at its base – the wellbeing of the whole planet.


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