The intent of the school is to explore a totally different kind of education which creates the freedom to bring about clarity in the mind.
This school is not a place where the child is being trained to fit into particular social strata. Nor is it a place where one can seek security through conformity to the aims and ambitions of society. It is not a place merely to help a slow learner or a child with learning or behavioural difficulties to adapt to the system. Nor is it for a gifted child to focus only on a particular talent at the expense of the whole human being.
Campus address : Shibumi, Survey No. 198, Somanahalli Village, Uttarahalli Hobli, Bangalore South Taluk
Mailing address : Viju Jaithirtha, Flat #18, Block 15, Nandi Gardens Phase 2, Anjanapura Post, Bangalore-560 062
Phone : +9180-28432098 (Mon - Fri, 1 PM - 2 PM); +91-9008007326 (Only Saturday, 10 AM - 6 PM)